I make videos about posture and how to use yourself in the most reasonable and efficient manner. You can follow this link to see my youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJtFRYd2nPezvAziVVgCNRg

I’ve found that those who come to take lessons with me from watching the videos are often able to get into the swing of things more quickly. You don’t by any means need to watch the videos to take lessons, but if you’re looking for some more detail on how the system I teach works, you can learn a lot from the videos.

I also know that some people cannot take lessons for one reason or another, and I so hope these videos will provide a basis for making some real progress in improving your posture, even if taking lessons is not possible at the moment. I recommend starting with this playlist of my series of videos on the torso. After that, you can check out the series on the legs, arms, and neck and head.

Feedback on the videos is always appreciated!